Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Anything but a face

So the challenge at I Heart Faces this week is "anything but a face".  I have many baby feet, ears, nose, eyes, belly, etc. photos but I was wondering what else I might have to fit the bill. This is a photo of my son's hand drawing on his 100th day of school.  I happened to be there because I am his teacher (not at home but at our public school...I'm the only first grade teacher so the poor kid had not choice!).  Anyway I love that he is a lefty like his mom and dad.  I love that I get to see him interact with his friends daily.  I am trying to savor every moment as his teacher, yet I know that I am too hard on him.  I don't want anyone to think that he is getting special treatment.  Anyway, check out more body parts at I Heart Faces.


  1. How great that you caught this moment. I love how you described the why of it. Nice :)

  2. Yea for left-handers! Great shot, I love the colors. One day you'll both look back and enjoy the time you were able to have together.

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